At West Deer Bible Church Missions is always in mind, as we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenge of bringing the Gospel to all people, locally and abroad. Ministry support and opportunities is something that we prayerfully take very seriously, and our church body is committed each and every day to make a positive impact for Christ throughout the world.
Global Missions ~ Home and Abroad
Serving Jesus abroad by impacting Bibleless peoples,
through Bible Translation
throughout Mainland Southeast Asia.

Ministry: Government Representative / Information, Scripture Literacy Printing
Serving In: Senegal
Tuesday, July 25 we will begin our 27th year as full time missionaries in Senegal. We thank God for His grace, mercy, love, and faithfulness in allowing us to serve here these many years, and we thank Him for you, who have helped by supporting and praying for us.

Elrey & Clarienne Miguel
Church Planting and Evangelism to the Philippine people.
Elrey trained in the U.S. and returned to his home land to church plant and bring the gospel to the people of his native land. He serves also as a Chaplin to law enforcement and is active in the community he serves. He and Clarienne recently married and just welcomed the blessing of their first child from God,

Missionaries serving in the USA play vital roles on the church planting team, such as training, accounting for and transferring gifts, recruiting missionaries and informing and involving churches and individuals. Like those who serve overseas, USA missionaries are responsible to raise financial support to pay their salary and ministry expenses, looking to God, trusting only in Him to provide through His people.

Ministry: CRU (Campus Ministry)
Serving In: University Of Pittsburgh
Darren and Kim serve our Lord with CRU. A campus ministry evangelizing and supporting Christian students in universities around the country.

PA Adult & Teen Challenge
Where: Sewickley, PA
How: Serving and financially supporting the men in addiction recovery through faith in Jesus Christ.
Human Coalition Pittsburgh Chapter
Global Recordings in Thailand
Our Vision
That people might hear and understand God's Word in their heart language, especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access.
Our Mission
In partnership with the church, to effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ by means of culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials in every language.

Ministry: Instructor
Serving: Mexico
We praise God for your lives, for your commitment to His Word and Work and for your loving care and faithful prayers and financial support in the ministry we carry on. We’d appreciate your prayers as we are looking for opportunities to share the need and present the challenge in the Kansas City area. Please also pray the Lord may rise up more believers interested in partnering with us, as well as wanting to serve the Lord as missionaries serving in Mexico.